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KPC International » Contact


Security of personal details

If you have any questions, requirements or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact us, using the attached contact formula.

We deal responsibly and trustworthy with all acquired data and protect them from other parties. Any data which is stored on our computer system is in controlled and safety zone which is protected from external users.

kpc GmbH will not pass on your personal details unless they are required for a business transaction. The data will be kept to a minimum. If we are requested for lawful reasons or by a court of law to hand out these data, we will only issue to a legitimate state authority.

People under 18 years of age should not, without the permission of their parents or guardians, send us any personalized information. We do not ask for, collect or pass on to third parties any information concerning children under the legal age.

If any of the links on this website should appear on another website we have no influence on the presentation and content of the external link. We are also not responsible for the privacy policy of these external links.